Beyond the Brand

Our Story

From 1988 – 2020, Betsy Fisher was the ultimate bricks-and-mortar resource for wardrobing DC’s professional women. From first jobs through career capstones, from sideline cheering for the kids to accompanying them down the aisle, and for all the weekends and vacations in between, we provided carefully chosen clothing, shoes, and accessories to meet and surpass expectations.  

We still do. The form differs, but key components remain: 

We find and bring to you a mix of favorite and new designers and the highly skilled stylists who pull looks together at POP!s, which are regional fashion events. At POP!, you’ll spend the hours in dressing rooms, consult with fellow shoppers, hydrate with lattes and bubbles, and leave with unexpected and practical wardrobe-enhancing pieces. 

Our next and largest event, POP! DC, takes place October 5 – 8 in Chevy Chase, MD. 

The conversations that were the heart of the store continue. Whether we meet one-on-one via Facetime to catch up on life and closet, or we explore larger ones addressing the meaning of clothing and the business of retail, you’ll find the portals to meeting with me and to our Podcast, 1000 Fibers Connect Us, here on the site.  

And there’s still shopping!  

Find some of fashion’s best collections in full and my take on relevant themes in our Edits.  
